Friday, April 20, 2012

☆ 5 (Cute!) Reasons to Stop Global Warming! ☆

If our own survival on Earth isn't important enough for you to want to make more earth-conscious lifestyle choices, here are 5 more reasons…

Polar Bears:
Estimated 20,000 to 25,000 polar bears in the wild. Polar Bears International says two-thirds of these numbers could disappear by the middle of this century if carbon dioxide emissions are not cut. Polar Bears depend on sea ice to survive, and the rapid loss of sea ice is their major threat; meaning they are losing land habitat, drowning, and even resulting to cannibalism and eating their young as they can no longer make the swim to reach prey. Other threats include pollution, poaching, and industrial impact. Hunting will become a threat if not well regulated.

Less than 1,600 left in the wild (2004 statistic)! Threats: China's growing economy. Forest habitat fragmented by roads and railroads. Habitat loss, poaching. Access to the giant panda’s primary source of food, bamboo, may become restricted as the basin of China’s Yangtze River is increasingly affected by climate change. 

As few as 3,200 left in the wild, and one of the most threatened species on Earth. Threatened by growing human populations, loss of habitat, illegal hunting, and expanding trade in tiger parts. A huge threat is the loss of their habitat due to deforestation; for products like palm oil, pulpwood for paper products, and coffee. Which is why buying recycled paper products (including toilet paper!), and knowing where your coffee and palm oil products are sourced, is so important. Be careful of the products you buy and the corporations you support that may be contributing to their habitat loss. 

Approx. 12, 000 left in the wild. Global Warming has been affecting the Cheetah's ability to reproduce, resulting in defects in their sperm and low testosterone. Another concern is the decline in population of the Thomson's gazelle, their main prey. Cheetah's are also being killed by poachers (yet another reason to never purchase fur!).

Estimated 40, 000 left in the wild with rapidly decreasing numbers; they could be gone within a few decades. Threatened by the growing Palm Oil plantations taking over their habitat. Because orangutans live in only a few places, and because they are so dependent upon trees, they are particularly susceptible to logging. Aside from deforestation, logging roads also make them more vulnerable to hunting and poaching for illegal pet trade in Asia, placing the orangutan in danger of extinction.

What you can do: 
Buy sustainable forest products (choose recycled first!), sustainable palm oil, and other sustainable products. 
Reduce your carbon footprint in any way possible to reduce the effects of climate change. 
Get involved and sign petitions! There are lots you can find at and (I post them all the time on my twitter).
Support efforts by organizations making a difference (my favourite? World Wildlife Fund).

A little conscious thinking goes a long way. Making lifestyle changes and decisions that support a greener planet are not only good for the planet, but they are vital to the diminishing habitats and welfare of animals. Their climates are changing at alarming rates and we can all play a part in making it a brighter future, for Earth, for ourselves, and for the amazing (and cute!) animals of the world. 


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1 comment:

  1. Ahhh I wish I could reverse it right away!! It makes me feel so sad that most people are still blind :(


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