It's that lovely fall time of year when the leaves start to turn and pumpkin is all we can think about. Yum! It's in season, it's healthy, it's versatile, it's fabulous!
So! A week ago my friend, Tam, and I made the most epic Peanut Butter "Cheesecake" ever! Don't worry, I'll be sharing that recipe soon as well. ;) There was pumpkin in it and it was sublime! But I had leftover pumpkin so I decided to experiment and sort of replicate the filling part of last night's dessert, but into a morning smoothie. I am so in love with this that I opened up a new can of pumpkin puree just so that I could remake it again the next day… and the next day… and yesterday… and today... to say I'm a little obsessed with this might be an understatement. ;) But it tastes like dessert and is healthy goodness to start your day! What's not to love?
This recipe is; vegan (as always), sugar-free, and gluten-free!
Okay, without further ado, awesome Smoothie time!
Pumpkin PB Bliss Smoothie
1/2 cup Pumpkin Puree (unsweetened, just pumpkin)
1- 1 1/2 Frozen Bananas
1 Tbsp Peanut Butter
1tsp Stevia
1 cup Coconut Milk Beverage
dash of Cinnamon
Add all of your ingredients together in a blender or food processor and blend until smooth and creamy! Add less or more "milk" to get your desired consistency.
I feel that for the texture the bananas being frozen is essential, so make sure you have some handy in the freezer--they're the best way to have in smoothies anyways. ;) You could easily add more pumpkin pie spice as well for more of a, well, pumpkin pie flavour, but I love it the way I make it. ;)
Makes 1 serving. Enjoy!
If you're using pumpkin from a can then make sure you store any leftovers in another container as opposed to the can. I get about 3 smoothies per can (I never measure the pumpkin, I just ballpark it ;)). And, just in case you've never frozen banana before, be sure to remove the peal and then store in a ziplock bag or container before putting int he freezer. ;)
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So want to try this! when pumpkins go in season!!! Love the website :D