Wednesday, April 30, 2014

☺ Get Motivated for Spring/Summer! Woot woot! ☺

Whereeee have I beeen??? 
Busy as always. But I shall spare you some drivel of excuses as to why my absence of blogging has transpired lately. 
What I DO want to blog about are two exciting opportunities for self-development, happiness, inspiration, and motivation! 

I'm a  huge believer in Actively Participating in Your Own Happiness (I am going to write another extended post about this soon). What this means is, well, exactly what is says: Actively Participating in Your Own Happiness! Happiness, true, can take work, especially while rewiring the brain and creating new thought habits, which is why actively doing things that will increase that happiness and help rewire the brain are so important. Sometimes it's easier to just sit on the couch, grumble, and complain about life. BUT, you could instead jump up off the couch, do a little happy dance, and do something that will increase the level of happy bouncing around your head. Active Participation. Motivation may not always be on your side, and that's when things can get tricky, hence forth: Motivation to Get Your Happy… Read on! 

First up…

100 Happy Days
You may remember me writing about the #365grateful project, yes? No? Well, this is a similar idea, but perhaps a little more manageable and a little less daunting. Very simply put, 100 Happy Days is to focus and post about something that makes you happy for 100 days straight. As they say on their site, most people don't have the time for this. How absurd, how crazy? How guilty am I of this? Equally guilty as the next, which is why I decided to commit to this challenge and actively participate in my own happiness. 
Honestly, I'm going to spare all the details because that's exactly what the blissfully colourful buoyant website is for (clickity click)--don't worry it is short, to the point, and the site is so fun that I'm sure it will immediately make you say "I want to do That!"
You can check out my participation in the challenge on instagram--let me know where I can find you! Or tag #relovehappydays so I can find you :)

Sign up for the challenge here:

Next up!

David Suzuki's 30x30 Nature Challenge
You may remember this challenge from last year, if you don't, here's what it's about:
For the month of May (that means starting tomorrow) spend at least 30 minutes a day outside in nature. 30 Minutes for 30 Days!
Simple, awesome, why not commit to it?
This challenge was a lot of fun last year and certainly gave me the motivation to get outside on even the dreary days or the days I felt like not really doing much other than laying in bed and watch cartoons--just kidding, I'm too busy to do that ;). Anyyyyways, it's a fun challenge, and nothing makes you feel more alive and blissful and happy (proven fact ;)) than getting outside. You know, grounding your feet in the earth, allowing the energy to flow through you, feeling that beautiful sun on your face and feed your body vitamin D, and, well, just reconnecting with nature, the way life was intended to be lived. 
You can check out my participation in this one on Instagram as well, and keep in touch with the tag #30x30relove . I don't expect to be posting photos every day, but I would love to see what you are up to out in nature as well! 

Sign up for the challenge here:

So! I hope you are motivated! And I hope you are ready to Get Happy and to Actively Participate in Your Own Happiness! After all, things don't change unless you choose it, unless you take a stand and do something for Yourself. Make a change, feel great, hop hop to it! 

Have a wonderfully blissful happy happy day! And don't forget to smile. ;) 


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