Wednesday, January 26, 2011

☯ What's in my Closet: Shampoo & Conditioner!! ☯

With so many chemical products out there and shampoos and conditioners claiming to be "organic" or "natural" but that remain loaded with chemicals still, what is a person to do?

I have searched high and low for healthy shampoos and conditioners and stumbled upon this brand in a grocery store one day that I feel is worth sharing that I use. They meet my approval for a good, safe, and healthy option that Works! I can even get them in Bulk at my local co-op grocery store! Pure win!

From Carina Organics...

Pure & Natural "Daily Moisturizing Shampoo"

I love this shampoo and I have to say that I have no complaints. It has a subtle scent and great lather. A little goes a long way! Plus, packed full of Organic ingredients and you can easily read the ingredient label without questioning or trying to pronounce things that simply shouldn't be in beauty products.

Pure & Natural "Daily Light Conditioner"

I have been using this brand for over a year now after discovering them and have found that they work great. I've also been buying it in bulk so I haven't looked at the ingredients in a while. They are completely safe and good for you. My only complaint and realization upon re-reading the ingredient list is that there IS Beeswax in it. :( So as a Vegan I'm sad to discover this. Until I run out of what I have I will continue to use it but I will be on the hunt for a new Conditioner that is Vegan to share with you all once I find and try one!
Otherwise the product does work great. And like the shampoo, has a nice subtle scent that isn't over-powering.

Of course, I am always on the hunt for new amazing safe products, so... have a brand that you use that you want to share? Please do! I will be sure to check it out! 

Peace & Love

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  1. One of my favorite brands is Giovanni, it's a bit pricier than most shampoos and conditioner's but their products are organic and the leave-in hair treatment I use states on the bottle "No Animal By-Prodcuts and Cruelty Free". I have yet to try their shampoo and regular conditioner because I have a lot of Nature's Gate left, but I will be sure to let you know how their other products compare :)

  2. I'm so crazy when it comes to keeping my shampoo chemical free. I actually use shampoo bars and they are seriously the best thing EVER.
    I buy them from sweet creek herbs on etsy:

    NO chemicals! It takes a little bit for your hair to get used to it, but once it does it's pretty fantastic. I even find that I don't have to use conditioner very often. It's also CHEAP and lasts a really long time!

    When I do condition, I use Simply Organic Moisture Rich hair and scalp rinse. It's actually really expensive (about $26 a bottle) but it works great and it's made of mostly organic ingredients and they don't test on animals.

  3. Mary, I used to use Giovanni until I found out how much crap was in their products :p From what I've heard they used to be purer and then for some reason got worse?? But I don't use them anymore on account of, well, yes, too much chemicals :p

    Anna, those sound neat! I've never thought of using those bars before but I will have to check them out and give them a try :)

  4. Thanks for sharing this blog about Chemical Free Shampoo ! Chemical Free Shampoo

  5. Thanks for the best post! Chemical Free Shampoo. Chemical Free Shampoo

  6. Great post! I just started using Carina products and they have taken the beeswax out of their skin creams and conditioners and are now completely vegan friendly :)


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