Wednesday, February 27, 2013

☆ International Polar Bear Day! (and how you can help) ☆

That's right, February 27th is International Polar Bear Day! Why is this so important? Well because there are fewer than Polar Bears left in the wild and their numbers are dwindling thanks to global climate change, and pollution. 

Take Part in the Thermostat Challenge! 
This Challenge is thanks to Polar Bears Internatonal! Take part by simply adjusting your thermostat up or down a few degrees (depending on where in the world you live) to lower carbon emissions and help save polar bears. Share a photo and inspire others with their "My Planet. My Part" actions to help save polar bears and improve the health of the planet. Even better: make every day a polar bear day by installing a programmable thermostat, insulating your home, or taking other steps to save energy. It's all part of PBI's SOS campaign!

Tips from Scientists to Help Polar Bears:

The polar bear's survival is linked to the arctic sea ice, a habitat greatly affected by climate change. Research shows, however, that it's not too late to take action to save sea ice and polar bears by greatly reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

"PBI scientists have put together a list of which individual actions have the most impact. We suggest you look through these tips, find out what you're already doing—and then challenge yourself to add two or three more to help the bears. These simple steps will soon become habits and, eventually, part of a stewardship ethic that guides your daily choices and informs your everyday decisions."

Social Interactions
  • Vote for political representatives who recognize that our carbon-based society isn't sustainable and who will work to establish an appropriate price for carbon
  • Interpret the facts about global warming to your friends and relatives
  • Encourage members of your social circles to adopt sustainable lifestyles—and lead by example
  • To help create a stewardship ethic in your community and raise awareness of how lifestyle changes can make a difference, take part in local green initiatives like planting trees, recycling drives, or ride-your-bike to work days—or start your own.

  • Walk or ride a bike
  • Use public transportation
  • Drive the most fuel-efficient vehicle for your needed task and drive at the most efficient speed for your vehicle
  • Avoid drive-through businesses; don't idle for more than 30 seconds
  • Keep your car tuned up and maintain proper tire inflation

Home & Work
  • Insulate buildings and heat/cool with efficient systems (e.g., rated by Energy Star)
  • Generate your own power with wind and solar
  • Let your utility company know that you want to subscribe to green power
  • Use energy-efficient (e.g. Energy Star) appliances and equipment. Turn appliances off when not in use. Use low-tech methods when possible (e.g., line-dry clothes)
  • Replace light bulbs with compact fluorescent or other energy-efficient bulbs (see Energy Star)
  • Use no more water than needed 

Dining Table
  • Buy and cook only what you'll eat. Don't waste food.
  • Consume foods that are minimally processed and packaged (e.g., potatoes vs. potato chips)
  • Purchase fruits and vegetables grown locally on small-scale farms
  • Avoid products that result from tropical deforestation (e.g., palm oil, coffee that isn't shade-grown, South American beef)
  • Consume less meat and animal products. Eat three meatless meals per week. (or even better go vegetarian and/or vegan)
  • (And if you are going to consume meat then choose products like pasture-fed beef, free-range poultry, and wild salmon rather than CAFO (concentrated animal feeding operations) meats.) 

  • Minimize consumption: reduce, reuse, and recycle
  • Research vendors and buy from those with sustainable business models
  • Avoid products with excess packaging
  • Buy products created closer to home: for example, if you live in the U.S. or Canada, purchase goods made in North America instead of those shipped from far away.

Support Conservation
Another tip I will suggest today is to donate to organizations working to help Polar Bears and climate change, such as Polar Bears International, WWF. 
You can also "adopt" a Polar Bear from either of these organizations:

ReLove is having a sale on the Polar Bear Necklaces (ending Friday). I already donate every month to WWF, but all proceeds of the Polar Bear Necklace will be going towards a Polar Bear adoption! :)  

Also, remember that no action is too small. Every step, every action accounts to the bigger picture. Your actions also inspire others, so always do what you can no matter how small it may seem! 


If you found this article to be helpful, please consider a small donation or visit the shop. Thank you for your love and support.


  1. Oooh, that's an awesome idea! I'm gonna go get me one!

    1. thanks lovely! I got enough necklace sales to make the adoption which makes me super happy and inspired by all you amazing beauties spreading such goodness in the world! :)


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