Monday, July 18, 2011

☺ Inspirational: Motivational Mondays!☺

I apologize for missing out on last week's Motivational Monday post, and being later posting this one! Life has been busy, which I will never complain about when it's the good awesome kind of busy that makes you feel alive. But I promise to make sure I'm more on the ball with things from now on. Hopefully last week was amazing regardless. If not, here's some pointers to make this week fabulous!  

 Have a Beach day! Or a day by the water or something outdoors! There's something in particular about water that is just so refreshing and makes you feel alive.       
 Love yourself! Too often I hear negativities about loving yourself, that silly mentality that says it's egotistical or shallow. There is nothing wrong with loving yourself and expressing that love, we shouldn't be ashamed of it! So express is and share it! If you can't love yourself how can you expect to show love to anything else in life?   
 Go with the flow... "Stress happens when the mind resists what is." Stop stressing over things that haven't happened yet or might not happen at all. Let it go and stop resisting life. Learn to chill out and go with the flow.    
 Stop expecting the worst... this kind of goes along with the above, but an extra reminder not to think negatively. Stop creating the worse scenario in your head and instead focus on positivity.  
 Do Yoga or Meditation... or something spiritual. Explore some peaceful practices, get in touch with your soul, enrich that lovely soul.
 Give People a chance... and stop judging them. Be kind and open to all the people around you. You may be surprised by people and their stories when you stop immediately judging a person by their appearance or first impression.    
 Have Fun!!! Make time for having fun in your life! If you're always working all the time then you will be missing out on life. Allowed yourself fun time, and make time for lots of it!!

Your life is wonderful and you are in control of it! Make it what You want! Have a wonderfully amazing week!!! xoxo  


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  1. A great post as usual, thank you so much for making us look at the positive side always!

  2. Positive life creates a better future.Thank you for sharing those positive and inspiring quotes.


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